Our Specialities

We specialize in offering treatments for the below

  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Dislocations
  • Paralysis
  • Intervertebral Disc Prolapse
  • Joint Pains
  • All kinds of sports injuries
  • Gynecological Problems
  • Pediatric and Geriatric Issues
  • Prenatal and Postnatal Care
  • Relaxation Massage
  • Skin Problem and Beauty Care

Frozen Shoulder

Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder is a condition that affects the shoulder joint. The shoulder is made up of three bones that form a ball-and-socket joint. They are the upper arm (humerus), shoulder blade (scapula), and collarbone (clavicle). There’s also tissue surrounding the shoulder joint that holds everything together. This is called the shoulder capsule.

With frozen shoulder, the capsule becomes so thick and tight that it’s hard to move. Bands of scar tissue form and there’s less of a liquid called synovial fluid to keep the joint lubricated. People with frozen shoulder experience pain and stiffness in the shoulder that gets worse and then finally disturbs routine movements.

At Calicut Ayurveda we treat frozen shoulder using a combination of oilation, fomentation and shoulder exercises to make the joint flexible and pain free. Herbal pastes and bandaging is used to reduce the extreme pain of inflammation and the patient can expect to get fully cured within 7 to 21 days depending on the condition



Dislocation is a condition that happens when the bones of a joint are dislodged from its place. A joint can be partially dislocated (subluxation) or fully dislocated. A dislocation can be caused by a trauma or the weakening of muscles and tendons.
Dislocation is most common in shoulders and fingers though it occurs at other places like elbows, knees and hips. At Calicut Ayurveda our trained therapists under the supervision of the doctor carefully set the dislocated joint into its place and follow it up with herbal bandaging to prevent reoccurrence of dislocation and build joint strength.



Paralysis is when a person cannot move certain parts of the body because something goes wrong with its connection to the brain. Paralysis comes in many different forms and can be temporary or permanent. Paralysis can cause problems with blood flow, breathing, functioning of body organs, speaking or swallowing, sexual responses, urine continence etc.

Types of Paralysis

  • Complete paralysis is when the patient cannot move or control the paralyzed muscles at all and could be accompanied by muscle function loss.
  • Partial or incomplete paralysis is when the patient is able to exercise partial muscle control over the paralysed muscles.
  • Localized paralysis affects just one specific area of the patient’s body, like face, hands, feet, or vocal cords.
  • Generalized paralysis is when paralysis is more widespread in the body and is grouped by how much of the body is affected. The type usually depends on where the brain or spinal cord is injured.

Paralysis can be stiff, or spastic, when the muscles are tight and jerky. Most people with cerebral palsy have spastic paralysis. It can also be floppy, or flaccid, when your muscles sag and eventually shrink. At Calicut Ayurveda we offer a holistic approach to treat paralysis. The treatment course ranges from 7, 14 to 21 days depending on the severity of the symptoms and the extent of the brain and spinal cord damage. General treatments include; .

  • Shirodhara (pouring medicated oil over the head) / Shiropichu (swabbing cloth dipped in medicated oil over the head)
  • Abhyangam (body massage)
  • Nyavara Kizhi (massaging the body with pouches filled with rice cooked in milk)
  • Nasyam (applying medicated oil and powder through the nostrils)
  • Physiotherapy

The treatment procedures are modified according to the condition of the patient. After the treatments, the patient will be able to achieve pre paralysis levels of body functioning.

Intervertebral Disc Prolapse

Intervertebral Disc Prolapse

A prolapsed intervertebral disc is a technical term for what is commonly called a slipped disc. These discs are found between each of the vertebrae of the spine and pose as shock absorbers. When the fibrous outer part of the disc breaks, it allows the gel-like core to bulge outwards. The disc that is damaged then puts pressure on the spinal cord or a single nerve fibre. This means that not only will a slipped disc cause pain in the area of the disc, but also in regions that the nerve controls, such as an arm or a leg. The disc is unable to slip or slide and can be a reason for severe lower back pain. The disc presses on nerve roots, which can cause pain and other symptoms in the leg.
At Calicut Ayurveda we follow a unique way of combining traditional Ayurvedic oilation, fomentation with herbal bandaging and therapy to treat ‘slipped’ discs problems. Treatment duration ranges between 7, 14 and 21 days depending on the nature of the condition.

Joint Pains

Joint Pains

Joints are the parts of your body where your bones meet. Joints allow the bones of your skeleton to move. Joint pain refers to discomfort, aches, and soreness in any of the body’s joints. Though joint pain is a common complaint it can cause severe pain and affect the individual’s ability to go about their daily activities.

Symptoms of joint pain

  • joint redness
  • joint swelling
  • joint tenderness
  • joint warmth
  • limping
  • locking of the joint
  • loss of range of motion of the joint

At Calicut Ayurveda we offer treatments based on the nature and cause of the joint pain. In case of inflammation we use a combination of Kshaya Dhara (pouring of medicated decoction) and herbal bandaging. If the joint pain is caused by degeneration, we treat the joint pain with nourishing therapies like Abhyangam (body massage), Njavara (rice cooked in milk) and bandaging along with physical therapies. The duration of treatment ranges between 7 to 14 days.

All kinds of sports injuries

All kinds of sports injuries

Citizens and residents of Oman are a sports loving people. Because of the availability of a lot of outdoor spaces sporting activities are very popular with children and young people. Unfortunately such activities sometimes lead to sports injuries as described below;

  • Sprains:Overstretching or tearing the ligaments results in a sprain. Ligaments are pieces of tissue that connect two bones to one another in a joint.
  • Strains:Overstretching or tearing muscles or tendons results in a sprain. Tendons are thick, fibrous cords of tissue that connect bone to muscle. Strains are commonly mistaken for sprains. Here’s how tell them apart.
  • Knee injuries:Any injury that interferes with how the knee joint moves could be a sports injury. It could range from an overstretch to a tear in the muscles or tissues in the knee.
  • Swollen muscles: Swelling is a natural reaction to an injury. Swollen muscles may also be painful and weak.
  • Achilles tendon rupture:The Achilles tendon is a thin, powerful tendon at the back of your ankle. During sports, this tendon can break or rupture. When it does, you may experience sudden, severe pain and difficulty walking
  • Dislocations:Sports injuries may dislocate a bone in your body. When that happens, a bone is forced out of its socket. This can be painful and lead to swelling and weakness.
  • Rotator cuff injury: Four pieces of muscle work together to form the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff keeps your shoulder moving in all directions. A tear in any of these muscles can weaken the rotator cuff.
  • At Calicut Ayurveda we seek to ensure the total healing of the injured bone or joint using our oilation, physical therapy and herbal bandaging to ensure that our patients can go back to kicking the ball at the soonest

Gynecological Problems

Gynecological Problems

A gynecological disorder is a condition which affects the female reproduction organs, namely the breasts and organs in the abdominal and pelvic area including the womb (uterus), ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina and vulva. Virtually every woman will suffer a gynecological condition at some point in her life.

Gynecological disorders affect the internal and external organs in the female pelvic and abdominal areas. These disorders include dysmenorrhea (pain associated with menstruation), vulvodynia (unexplained chronic discomfort or pain of the vulva), and chronic pelvic pain (a persistent and severe pain occurring primarily in the lower abdomen for at least 6 months).

At Calicut Ayurveda we provide a holistic treatment of the problem using herbal decoctions and external therapies if required. The therapies include Kshaya Dhara (pouring of medicated decoction), bandaging, oilation, fomentation and oil bath.

Pediatric and Geriatric Issues

Pediatric and Geriatric Issues

At Calicut Ayurveda we provide healthcare to both children and the elderly. We offer exclusive treatments for Pediatric issues like global developmental delay, speech and language delay, congenital disorders, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Cerebral Palsy etc. The line of treatment is patient specific though it always includes Medya (improving brain functioning) and Brihmana (nourishing treatments).
Calicut Ayurveda offers treatments for geriatric ailments including arthritis, bowel bladder incontinence, memory and speech issues, insomnia, depression etc. We follow a holistic approach to treatment which includes internal and external therapies.

Prenatal and Postnatal Care

Prenatal and Postnatal Care

Ayurveda places an enormous emphasis on the importance of caring for the mother before, during and after pregnancy. Aim of prenatal care is to achieve proper growth of the fetus, uncomplicated pregnancy, normal healthy delivery of fetus and wellbeing of both mother and child. Calicut Ayurveda suggests procedures and medicines for the preparation of the couple planning pregnancy about three months prior to conception. Procedures and herbs for the purification of the gametes (sperm and ovum) is the first step. This includes methods for achieving a healthy state of mind.

Prenatal care by Ayurveda is achieved through three stages;

  • Treatment procedures
  • Herbs for purifying male and female gametes
  • Providing mental calmness for achieving conception

Post Natal Mother and Baby Care
After delivery the mother and baby should get proper massages with medicated oils, herbal drinks, medicines for proper lactation and a special diet plan to get back the physical fitness she had. Proper adherence to this regimen results in faster recuperation and restoration of the health of the mother. Adequate care and precautions along with the prescribed regimen ensures that the mother regains her physical charm and beauty. Calicut Ayurveda offers special massages, steam and bandaging treatments along with purification therapies which plays a vital role in regaining the health and beauty of the new mother.

Relaxation Massage

Relaxation Massage

Just like its name, relaxation massage centers on the relaxation of a client. It focuses mainly on giving the client quality time to recover from the daily stresses of everyday life. A relaxation massage involves:

  • Long smooth gliding strokes that are both rhythmic and flowing
  • Pressure that is deeply relaxing, but not painful
  • A treatment designed to relax and soothe you
  • A therapist who also takes the massage environment into account – look for soothing music, warm towels, and occasionally using essential oils to enhance both the environment and the effects of the massage

The benefits received from a relaxation massage usually lasts several days after receiving the treatment. Relaxation massage can offer the following benefits:

  • Lowers blood pressure on a short term basis
  • Improves peripheral circulation
  • Improves skin tone and appearance
  • Improves gastrointestinal functions

Skin Problem and Beauty Care

Skin Problem and Beauty Care

Every single human being wants to be beautiful. It doesn’t matter whether we are young or old, female or male. Ayurveda sees beauty not just as foreign import to be found within a bottle, rather it understands beauty as coming from within an individual. Ayurveda nourishes your body from the inside-out with seasonal meals made from whole foods that are rich in essential nutrients and natural antioxidants, as well as a strong focus on digestive health and optimizing the balance of energies in the mind and body. After all true beauty is never skin deep.