Massage (Abhyanga) has a very important role in Ayurveda. Ayurvedic massage is done using medicated oil (thailam). Every thailam has a unique and specific formula that can contain the components of up to 50 different plants. The ingredients are added to the oil and then cooked over a long period of time. Each ingredient of the thailam is carefully selected for its physiological action and to help restore the body’s natural state of health.
The pressure and direction of the strokes during massage is determined by the Ayurvedic doctor only after considering the below;
1. The origin and insertion of muscles.
2. Lymphomatic drainage
3. State of circulation
4. Vital parts like joints and heart.
The benefits one can derive from massage are numerous, including:
1. Improved circulation and lymphatic drainage, and elimination of toxins from the body.
2. Alleviation of potential harmful effects of stress, giving a feeling of overall wellbeing.
3. Stimulation of the immune system and strengthen resistance to disease.
4. Easing constipation, aiding digestion and relieving abdominal spasm.
5. Easing muscular aches and pains and promoting muscle relaxation.
6. Rejuvenates the whole body
7. Increases longevity
8. Delays aging
9. Relives fatigue
10. Builds stamina
11. Promotes deeper sleep
12. Enhances complexion and luster of skin.
13. Cleans your body (detoxify)
‘Udvartana’ (Ayurvedic Herbal Powder Massage) is a special form of ayurvedic treatment that can be used to lose weight, improve skin complexion, de-stressing, relaxation and as a natural full body exfoliation treatment. Though thailams are commonly used for massage, in ‘Udvartana’, a special medicated powder is used instead of oil. Here massage strokes are delivered in upward direction with high pressure. This is one of the most effective methods in Ayurvedic obesity treatment. Udvartana when combined with healthy diet and exercise works wonders in helping the patient to reduce excess pounds in a short span of time.
Besides general body massage, Ayurvedic massage also includes ‘Shirodhara’. Shirodhara means the dripping of oil like a thread (dhara) on the head (shiro). The technique soothes and invigorates the senses and the mind. A total feeling of wellness, mental clarity and comprehension is experienced in this process. The medicated oil, ghee or decoctions are placed in a dhara pot, hanged at an appropriate height and allowed to trickle slowly onto the head of the patient lying below. The medications are selected after careful consideration of the illness, age and strength of the person. Shirodhara is an extremely effective treatment used to calm the nerves, release stored emotions, and purify the mind. It is used to treat patients with mental illnesses, excessive thinking, diseases of the ears, nose, throat, insomnia, facial palsy, loss of memory, stress and other lifestyle disorders.
Under Ayurvedic system of medicine massages are also administered to any specific limb which is affected by pain, loss of sensation or stiffness. The symptoms are found to reduce instantly once the massage is done with appropriate medicated oil.
Any Ayurvedic massage must be provided to the patient only after a careful investigation of the state of the patient’s tissues, body systems, previous conditions and mental disposition by the Ayurvedic doctor. Specific strokes, oils, marmas, chakras, music and affirmations are also formulated to enhance the therapeutic impact of the Ayurvedic massage. Indeed, ayurvedic massage is a divine gift to improve health and increase life span.